Collection: customizations and image upload

It is important to note that certain photos may not translate well to our printing process, potentially resulting in lost detail. We will make every effort to deliver a high-quality product, although we cannot guarantee perfection.

Our customers can enjoy personalized clocks, where we transform their image or text into a functional timepiece. With our expertise, we make it a reality while adhering to the following guidelines.

1: Ensure the use of original content. Verify that the image provided is either your own property or used with proper permission. Our company holds the right to reject any content that violates copyright or intellectual property laws, although we are not liable for any claims. 

2. Additional charges may apply for customized images, but not for images that are also available for sale to other customers. For portrait images, there will be a one-time fee of 45 euro total, 

Customers will be notified in advance of the total charge and must confirm their acceptance of the charges. All prices include BTW and exclude postage.


how it works

Simply click on the link below. upload the image and or text and check out. there will be no charge at this point.  We will then review your order and send you an email with the samples in so that you can make request any additional changes (note more changes may result in extra fees). once you are satisfied with the result, we will add the clock to your cart and you will be able to make the purchase.